Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Concept of "Rebuild Village"

"Build Village Together and Do Business Collectively"

This is hard time for all of us to think beyond life safety now. But once we will get rid of this situation, we will start to feel the insecure future. If we can stand together, think together and act together, we can convert sorrow to success.

I have presented my preliminary concept of "How to Rebuild Nepal after Earthquake". And I strongly believe that this is the right time to implement  "Modern Village" Concept. "

Please review this and give me comment. I am not doing this as an expert, I am doing this just to start this discussion. We will make common plan with considering your comments and views.

Concept :

This concept has a dream of having "Modern Villages within 10 years. This Concept Includes Three Stages of Work. First Two stages are more desktop related work and last stage will be field oriented work. Following are the details of this Concept :

Stage 1) Making the cluster of each tol/Ward 

In first Stage, identifying the more affected villages ( districts) and making boundary of each cluster should be done. Collect all demographic, physiographic and socio-economic data for each clusters.( I think Govt already have this data and our team ( MAAN ) is already working on making cluster of affected villages)

Duration : 1 Month
 (Target :End of June 2015)

Stage 2) Prepare Master Plan for that cluster ( "Cluster Plan")

This sounds more complex term but when you want to do master plan for raw villages, its tricky but does not take long time. It should include every facility that needs for "Modern Villages" ( Schools, Library, Health Post, Drinking water and waste water treatment facilities, recycling facilities, recreational facilities). In the same time, we can do land zoning like where is suitable to develop residential area and where to do economic activities

Durations: 3 Months ( Government can ask for volunteers. We need at least 1 group for each villages. If we can make base plan first ( 1 month) then replicate idea to other villages with required modification.

(Target :End of September 2015)

Stage 3) Phasing the development and required budget
This stage consists four major planning stages ( duration wise)

First phase:
we should focus on building temporary facilities using those materials which can be used for permanent facilities. Life of such structures should be at least 2 years.

Start doing agricultural and economical activity together.

Budget : Government/Doner
Duration : 4 Months ( can do parallelly during first stage and second stage)
(Target :End of September 2015)

Second Phase:
 Developing basic features like Schools, road, Electricity (if possible), drinking water and waste water facilities together. This can be done with the help of "Jana Shramadaan". It should complete within 1to 2  Fiscle Years. For small tol, this is not impossible task.

Budget: Government, Residents (in terms of shramdaan) and Donors
Duration: 2 Years

(Target :End of September 2017)

3rd Phase:
Build houses in planned area ( budget for this should be shared with the home owner). Duration should not be more than 2 years. This is just like making own house by ownself but with the help of government and doner.

Budget: Government & Donors : 20% , Residents: 80 % ( government can provide long term loan in low interest )

Duration : 2 years
(Target :End of September 2019)

4th Phase:
This phase should be focused on other facilities like Hospital, Library, recycling facilities and recreation facilities.

Budget: Government & Donors : 80% , Residents: 20 %

Duration : 3-5 years
(Target :End of September 2024)

Thank You 

Satish Tripathi, AM ASCE
Graduate Engineer
City of Houston 
PWE- Planning and Development Division
Infrastructure Planning Branch

1 comment:

  1. A very well organised plan.... if implemented in an effective way could not only pave a way for a systematic resettlement but also will act a consistent architecture for the progressive economic development in each VDC..... let me know your detail plan of atleast one VDC with all the mapping and restructuring plan on paper (if you got any),
    a pilot project will propel the idea and will guide us to downsize our timeline becoz personally i think 10 years is a long time ..... hats off to your team.
